Do you think your computer are slow as walking in mud? Takes forever to start? You formatted your HD and reinstalled but still slow? I did and more.....
I siting anddoing this onmy MacBookPro 15 "Core Duo. It is the firstintelMBPro ever produced. It is noweight years old.A few months ago, it was soslowthat Iwas about tothrowitaway butim cheap so Ibacked up(Time Machine) everything, formatted (erased) hard driveand readback fromthe backup.Hmmmmlittlebetter but stillslow. Again, I was about toheaveitinto the trash, but was stoppedat the lastsecondby a colleague whoto change HD tothe newSSDdrives.(SSDmeansSolid State Diskand contains flashmemoriesinstead ofmagnetic disks) Check out theteston YouTubehere.I switched tothat particulartheytestedIntelX25M128GBandWWWoooaaawwMy 8 yearoldMacbook Prowhipalmost everything., I start itin 19seconds., I gota new computer, this worksjust as wellon Windowsas Mac. Sooooodo not throwout your oldlaptop withoutchange toSSD!