macOSX Sierra - nyheter
Monday June 13 2016 on Apple WWDC we got the news. Next operatingsystem for our macs will be called macOSX Sierra and in numbers 10.12 .
Developer beta is out now but we have to wait until fall 2016 for the ready version. If you depend on your computer for importanat stuff do not install until at least 10.12.1 is out.
I will wait a couple of months after launch BUT there are quite exiting new features coming so what are they??
1. SIRI!!!! Siri is now on the mac and improved. She can of course do all that she can on ios and more. One of the best new features is that she now can grasp context. Example: You ask Siri to : "send an email to Bengt" and Siri replays "Bengt who?" You just answer "Bengt Hall" . You can also use Spotlight with Siri and ask for "show me files created last week" and limit the search to "only excelfiles" and so on. You can laso ask Siri for "files that Bengt sent to me". On the demo they used Apples Mail and messeges and i dont know if this is working with thirdpartysoftware as Microsoft Outlook. uture will tell. You can also save Siri-searches on notification center. Saved searches are kept updated.
2. Auto Unlock. If you are a proud owner of a Apple Watch you can tell your compter to autounlock if you (with watch on you) are close to the computer. No more tying (os misstyping) passwords to start working.
Apple Pay are coming for the web but we dont know when it reaches Sweden. When your shopping on a webstore that suppports ApplePay you can use touchID on your Iphone or doubleclick the sidebutton on your watch to confirm payment.
3. Continuity is getting better. Universal clipboard means that things cut or copied on one unit automaticly syncs and can be pasted on your other units. Works on Iphone, iPad and Mac. Icloud drive can now sync desktop and documents folder too.
4. Manage storage on you hd. It is called optimized storage. Files that you have not used for a long time will be stoted in icloud drive and if you wat to open it it will be autmaticly downloaded. This does not affect all your files, only mail-attachments, pictures and iTunes movies you already watched. Sierra will also remind you to delete dmg ang pkg files you already installed, delete duplicate files in downloaded folder, cachefiles, logfiles and similar stuff you wont miss. All deletd files will be in the trashcan for 30 days.
5. Pictures will get a new feature called memories. It autmaticly collects old pics you have not seen for a while and creates a slideshow. Facial recognition is improved.
6. Messeges have support for videilinks, smart pictures, bigger emoji and "small reactions" to messeges.
7. Itunes Apple Music will get a more IOS-look and lyrics to songs.
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