Outlook 2011 main mail window missing
Did you just run the 14.5.0 update and discovered that the main window containing all your mail and stuff are gone?
Of course this solves a lot of bugs but creates a new one as mentioned above.
A. If you are running timemachine, just move your office 2011 identity from your folder dcuments/microsoft userdata/Office 2011 Identities to another place, maybe desktop.
Go in to timemachine and restore from just before you ran the update. Done! No backup? Continue with B.
B. There is no fix from microsoft at this moment. However this terminal commands seems to work until you shut down and relaunch outlook.
1. Open Terminal
2. Type defaults delete com.microsoft.Outlook (to delete the old preferences).
3. killall cfprefsd (to kill the cached prefs)
4. Launch Outlook
Pressed 'continue' on the intro screen and so far Outlook 2011 is opening windows.
Not sure if this is a permanent solution, as I did Identity DB rebuild several times and switching identities oand nce I was able to start Outlook with all windows open, but then, after closure it went to the same state without any windows (can't find an explanation how and why). So this problem seems not to be very straightforward and might be difficult to reproduce for Microsoft. I think it depends on user environment whether upgrade to 14.5.0 will cause no issues or vice versa.
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