SU spamfilter Canit
Did you know that SU (IT & Media) have a spamfilter called canit. It filters all incoming mail BEFORE it is distrbuted to users.
We can "train" that filter so it stops mail we want to be stopped and more important lets mail we want trough.
You simply forward the mail (max 14 days old) as an attachment and send it to:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - to tell canit that this is spam and block it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - to tell canit that this is NOT spam and let it through:
How to send message as attachment in Ebox, Outlook 20!3 PC and thunderbird check here
Update: Just click above on the correct adress, your emailprogram will open with a new messege with your choosen adress. Just drag the spam or nonspam messege on to this new messege and press send. You should get a confirmation shortly after.
Update2: Yoy can white or blacklist adresses in canit. Here is a link to SU-article, only in swedish im afraid
In Outlook for mac, rightclick on the message, choose forward special, as attachment or open a new messgae, input the suitable spam-adress and just drag and drop the spam/nonspam messege on your new message. Send!
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