Mac support, iPhone support & hemsidor
Do you want a longterm partner with engagement and new ideas, you should choose us!
Who are we?
Bengt love to give you Macsupport, support for iPhone / iPad and run your servers in mixed networks. Ulrika love to help you with your websolutions and build you an internet presence. We will provide you with the tools and knowhow. Develop and designing homepages using the Joomla platform, Facebookintegration, Google+ or Twitter, internetstrategy, backup solutions, mailserver solutions and onsightsupport.
All our services aim to be as simple as possibe and to get you up & running in shortest possible time. You can of course edit, update and publish content on all homapages we supply.
We have worked with homepages and internet for 16 years, Joomla for the last 6 years, Mac, PC and serversupport in 18 years.
Joomla CMS - What´s Joomla?
Joomla is...
Its a publishing tool, created with open source code. That means no licensing costs and a constant development of the code. You can easily yourself add and change content on your homepage for example text, pictures, documents, movies and change/update the menusystem. You log on using your webbrowser such as Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari.
Information changes almost on a day to day basis so update your homepage yourself! Now!
You will
- Reduce your costs
- Take control of the information yourself
You know your own customers and knows what they like.
Joomla is constructed to work well with the search engines.
Become independant!
Want to know more?
Pls contact us +4670-789 09 02 or hej[at]